With Behance Pro, create and publish projects with advanced Project Settings such as:
- Link Only Sharing: only individuals with the link to your project will have access
- Password Protection: only individuals with the password will be able to access your project. The project will continue to appear on your profile but users will need a password in order to access.
- Project Scheduling: Schedule projects over time so you don't oversaturate your audience.
Link Only Projects
Create a Link Only project
- Follow Guide: Create & Publish A Project to get started
- Click the Behance Visibility dropdown
- Select Link Only
- Click Save to save the project as a Draft or click Publish to publish your project live
Share a Link Only project
- Navigate to your Behance profile
- Hover over the Link Only project you'd like to share
- Click the dropdown in the top left corner
- Click Copy Link
or copy the project URL from your browser's address bar while viewing the project on your profile.
- Projects do not auto-save, so please remember to save your work from time to time.
- Link Only projects will only be accessible via the Work tab on the project owner's Profile or to anyone you've shared the link with.
- Link Only projects will not appear in Search or anywhere else across Behance.
- To revoke access to a Link Only project, change the project Visibility to Password Protected or Private. Link Only access does not expire.
- Creating a Link Only project is available on Behance.net only.
- Link Only projects are automatically imported to Adobe Portfolio. If you prefer not to display them, simply toggle-off the project within Adobe Portfolio before publishing your site live. For additional guidance, please click here.
- If you deactivate or lose access to Behance Pro, your link only projects will become private.
Password Protect a Project
Password Protecting a project can be useful if you’re sharing with different clients, recruiters, or team members who require access to different parts of your profile.
Password Protect a project
- Follow Guide: Create & Publish A Project to get started
- Click the Behance Visibility dropdown
- Select Password Protected
- Enter a password (see password guidelines below)
- Click Save to save the project as a Draft or click Publish to publish your project live
Change or Remove an existing password
- Navigate to the password protect project
- Click Edit
- Enter a new password or delete the existing password
- Click Publish to publish your project live with the new password
Share a Password Protected password
- Navigate to your Behance profile
- Hover over the Password project you'd like to share
- Click the dropdown in the top left corner
- Click Copy Link
or copy the project URL from your browser's address bar while viewing the project on your profile.
- Access to a password-protected project is cached for a logged-in user for up to 24 hours. Logged-out users will need to enter a password every time.
- Changes to a password protected project invalidates any previously cached access, including changing the password.
- Password Protected projects will not appear in Search or anywhere else across Behance.
- Projects that are password protected from initial publish will not be indexed by search engines until the password is removed.
- Password Protected projects will be visible in the Work tab to the project owner and profile visitors.
- Password Protected projects are automatically imported to Adobe Portfolio. If you prefer not to display them, simply toggle-off the project within Adobe Portfolio before publishing your site live. For additional guidance, please click here.
- If you deactivate or lose access to Behance Pro, your password protected projects will become private.
Guidelines for a secure password
Your password should:
- Not include your name, email address or common passwords
- Not include spaces
- Include at least one number or symbol
- Include both lower and upper case latin characters
- Be at least 8 characters long
Schedule a Project
Schedule a Project in the future
- Follow Guide: Create & Publish A Project to get started
- Check the Publish at a specific date/time option
- Select a date and time in the future
- Click Schedule Publish
* Note:
- The time selected will be your local time.
- You can schedule a project up to 90 days in advanced.
- Once you've clicked Schedule Publish, your Project will live in the Drafts tab up until it publishes live to the Work tab.
- There may be up to a 2-3 minute publish delay for scheduled Projects.
- Scheduling a project is only available on Behance.net only.
- If you deactivate or lose access to Behance Pro, your scheduled projects will remain in drafts.
Cancel a scheduled Project
- Navigate to your Behance profile
- Click on the Drafts tab
- Hove over the scheduled Project you'd like to cancel
- Click Edit Project
- Un-check the Publish at a specific date/time option
- Click Save to save the project as a Draft or click Publish to publish your project live