A few notes before you proceed
1) In order to migrate your Business Profile assets to your Personal Profile, you need to be able to access your Business Profile.
2) If you haven't already, turn OFF automatic profile selection here.
3) If your Business Profile is managed by a school or other higher education institution, please visit Migrating your Student Assets
4) This migration does not merge two profiles or overwrite one in favor of another. This is simply reassigning a Behance account with a different profile. Looking to merge two Behance accounts? View this FAQ roundup.
Let's begin!
Log into Behance with your email address and password and then select your Business Profile. You may see more than one Business profile, so verify you're logging into the profile you want to migrate.
Next, click your avatar on the top right and then click Settings.
After verifying your password, click "Use a Different Adobe Profile" on the left side and then click "Use your Personal Profile". This will trigger the migration confirmation popup.
When you complete the migration flow, you will be logged out. When you log in again, be sure to select Personal Profile after entering your login details.