Verified Team Basics
A Verified Team account will have a Verified badge identifying it - this is a way to demonstrate the authenticity of the Team being represented on Behance. Behance verifies Teams on an ongoing basis to make it easier for Behance members to find the companies or brands they’re looking for. We concentrate on verifying well known or large companies and brands. Being Verified is not related to statistics or being featured.
How can my Team become verified?
We do not accept member requests for Teams verification. If we determine that you are a Team that meets our conditions for verification, we may reach out to you. We concentrate on verifying well known or large companies and brands, so not all Teams are eligible to be verified. We do not accept requests for Teams verification.
If my Team isn’t verified, how do others know my account is authentic?
We recommend linking to your Behance Team from your official website or other online presences to demonstrate that your account is authentic to those who follow your brand. Having your coworkers join your Team also helps to show others that it is an authentic Team.
Do verified Teams have access to extra features?
Verified Teams operate in exactly the same way as unverified Teams, but Verified Teams do have the option of adding more members than an unverified Team.