There are many factors that go into what makes a successful upload. It's our goal to help each of you resolve uploading issues to use Behance to its full potential.
- First, check that you're using a browser that we FULLY support. Refer to our Guide: Supported Browsers
- Make sure your image meets our format and size requirements. Refer to our guide here.
- Make sure that your image is under our maximum allowed image pixel count of 32 million pixels (megapixels).
- Make sure your audio & video files meet your format and size requirements. Refer to our guide here.
- Make sure that you have Javascript and Cookies enabled
- Make sure that you don't have any Firewalls or Ad-blockers that might interfere
- Try disabling any browser extensions you currently have on
If you are still unable to upload, try the following:
- Reduce the size of your image to below 50 MB
- Open your image in photoshop and choose Save For Web
If none of this works, and you're still having trouble, try to think about your images that ARE working. Did you go about saving these a different way, or adjust anything with formatting?
At any point, you get can contact us. Please include one of the images you're unable to upload and screenshots of any error messages you are seeing.