At Behance, we’re all about helping you get connected with great opportunities. Our inbox makes this easier than ever - note that inbox is fully responsive, so you can message-on-the-go from your mobile device.
Composing An Inbox Message
To send an Inbox message to a Behance creative, you can:
- Visit the Inbox and click Compose to send a message
- Visit their profile and click the Message button
Threaded Messages
If you're sending a one-to-one message, any communication with this person will be located in a thread that includes your sent responses. This way, you can find the whole conversation in one place. You can also send group messages in a thread of up to 10 people. Any message to more than one person will be sent as a group thread message, visible to all who receive it.
Archive/Delete Multiple Messages
To take action on several messages at once, click the checkboxes next to the messages you would like to take action on--you can check as many as you like, or select all. Then, click the Actions dropdown to choose what you'd like to do. You have the option to Archive, Mark as Read, or Delete Forever.
Report An Inbox Message
To to report an Inbox message or block a user from Inbox:
- Select the message you’d like to manage
- Click the gear icon on the upper right side of the message pane
- Choose Mark as Spam or Block User.
* Note: Choosing Mark as Spam will block the user as well as submit the account to the Behance team for review, while Block User will simply block that Behance member.
Messaging Limits
While you are able to send many messages from the inbox to your contacts, Behance limits excessive messaging sent from a user's profile to reduce spam and unwanted message volume. If you have sent too many messages at once, your ability to send additional messages to users from their profiles will be temporarily restricted. This restriction resets after a period of time.