If you have a Brazilian account and you have accepted money on Behance through PayPal, you will not see your money earned in your "Manage Freelance Projects" dashboard on Behance until you accept this money through PayPal.
Follow the steps below to accept your funds:
1. Visit your Paypal Dashboard, and click on "Payments Received" under the Notifications Section
2. See all of your pending payments here, and choose "Accept" from the list of options 3. Choose to Accept the payment here. You will see details of currency conversion
4. Get confirmation of the accepted payment
5. You will now see the correct amounts earned reflected in "Manage Freelance Projects" on Behance:
How to change your PayPal settings to always automatically accept payments:
You can adjust this setting if you'd like to automatically accept payments and convert them to Real. If you choose this option, you will see all money made on Behance reflected immediately in your dashboard.